Issue #16, September 1993 The Wild Pack are in Somalia ensuring the safe delivery of food and supplies. Of course, an armed faction shows up to commandeer the truck full of goods. Instead of taking them herself, she lets the new Intruders handle the action, while the Wild Pack stand back and watch. The Intruders wrap up the goons in mere moments. Elsewhere in Somalia, a group called the Bio-Genes (for all intents and purposes, Somali mutants) gather and plan to retake their country and expel the U.S. forces. Back at the camp with Silver, Powell starts accusing Jacques (Silver's current beau) for putting Silver's pictures in a Playboy-type magazine (in the comic, it's call Petshop), but Jacques denies it. Silver overhears this and sees for herself. Shocked, she pretty much ends it with Jacques. Elsewhere, it's revealed that the Foreigner (Silver's ex-husband) dummied up those pictures of Silver. Apparently, he's a little jealous of Jacques. Back in Somalia, action is heating up as the Wild Pack are engaging the Bio-Genes at a U.S. Marine Base. However, the ongoing Infinity Crusade happening throughout the Marvel Universe at this time has mellowed out everyone on earth, including the Wild Pack. Silver is suspecting a form of mind-control. As the fight goes on, everyone seems to try and play the role of peace-maker and somehow, a truce and anti-climatic end is reached. And just when everything seems to be ok, HYDRA shows up on the scene. Continued in Issue #17.
Silver Sable: Early Tales Silver's shot, the President is safe, and Basil must not attempt escape without detection. As Basil tries to escape, the Wild Pack seal off the building. Basil tries to find a way out, but inadvertentaly attracts Silver's attention. As Basil runs, Silver notices blood on him, most likely when the Wild Pack took shots at the assasin's position. Silver gives chase, tackles him, and unmasks him to reveal her husband. Suddenly, all the things Basil was hiding became obvious. Another thing Basil hid was a hyper-hypnotic stare that would stun someone out for a moment while he escapes, as Silver found the hard way. Silver then points out that their divorce shortly followed, as well as the beginning of the game they now play: who can kill who first. |