Silver Sable #17

Issue #17, October 1993

Enlightened Allies

Writer: Gregory Wright
Penciler: Steven Butler
Inker: Pam Eklund
Letterer: Steve Dutro
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Editor: Craig Anderson
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco


Continued from Issue #16. Silver and the Pack are in Somalia ensuring the safe delivery of food and goods in the war-torn country. Meanwhile, the Infinity Crusade is underway in the Marvel Universe and the Goddess has sent a sense of enlightenment over much of the earth's population, leaving most without the will to fight. However, Baron von Strucker doesn't seem affected and has taken HYDRA to Somalia, claiming he is taking over the country for the southern warlords. As you would expect, a fight breaks out. Unfortunately, due to the work of the Goddess, the Pack isn't in the mood to fight. The fight rages on rather unspectacularly, with the fighters almost faking it. During the scrimmage, von Strucker takes Crippler. There is a brief interlude describing what Goddess is doing, but plays no real part in our story. We are quickly taken to the HYDRA mothership were von Strucker begins an interrogation begins on Crippler. (See Crippler defected out of HYDRA). Back in Somalia, the leader of the Bio-Genes mesmerize Fin and Man-Eater, but then gets knocked silly by Silver. Silver persuades the leader to give up the fight, and he reluctantly does, as Silver realizes that HYDRA was only after Crippler. Before too long SHIELD arrives on the scene, ready to trach down von Strucker. Silver has managed to get on board the HYDRA craft and confronts von Strucker. As SHIELD arrives on the scene in Somalia, where BattleStar has seemed to have made friends with one of the Bio-Genes called LightBright, Nick Fury, Sandman, and Fin head on to the HYDRA craft. A brief fight ensues before Fin and Sandman knock the daylights out of von Strucker, however, finally overcome by the enlightenment of the Goddess, Silver and Fury, hesitate in killing von Strucker, giving him the chance he needs to escape as he teleports away. The issue ends with the Pack and SHIELD feeding the Somalis.

* * * * *

Silver Sable: Early Tales
The Webslinger

Writer: Gregory Wright
Penciler: Nelson Ortega
Inker: Mickey Ritter
Letterer: Steve Dutro
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Editor: Craig Anderson
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco


Silver recalls her first experiences with Spider-Man, as seen in Amazing Spider-Man #280. She remembers how Spider-Man let the Black Fox go, but managed to take the jewels off him. This intrigued Silver and made her think, she could use him again. She did, when she was hired to bring in the Jack O'Lantern. Spider-Man was along for assistance but they ran into trouble as they were ambushed by the Sinister Syndicate. A long drawn out fight ensues, as both our heroes are injured, just as they hide out in a wooden roller coaster, Hydro-Man knocks its foundation, and the coaster is coming down on top of them. To be continued. Comic Book Library