Silver Sable #24

Issue #24, May 1994

Family Value

Writer: Gregory Wright
Guest Penciler: Gordon Purcell
Guest Inker: Don Hudson
Letterer: Steve Dutro
Colorist: Mike Kenny
Editor: Craig Anderson
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco


Silver is set to receive an award from Stefan, King of Symkaria. Preparations are in motion for the big ceremony. Meanwhile, in a old HYDRA base, now home to the Genesis Coalition, Dmitri is set to be executed when those loyal to him come to rescue him and prepare to flee. Back in Symkaria, during the ceremony, King Stefan presents Silver with a medal, but Silver discovers that the King is actually the Foreigner, in disguise. In order to ensure the return of the true King, Silver does not identify the imposter. Suddenly, Dmitri's stealthcraft attacks the castle. Powell is able to down the craft, but the crew eject and begin attacking on the ground. With several teams at the ceremony, the attack is quickly ended, and Dmitri agrees to reveal the whereabouts of Silver's father. They arrive at the Genesis Coalition base and split up, and as they search through the halls, Silver, BattleStar and Dmitri come across a large man in a battle suit, that Dmitri did not want to see. The armored man decks BattleStar and Dmitri. He then removes his helmet to reveal..... Silver's father?!?!?!..... Continued in Issue #25.

* * * * *

Pleasure in Pain
A short story featuring Crippler

Writer: Gregory Wright
Penciler: Freddie Mendez
Inker: Keith Aiken
Letterer: Steve Dutro
Colorist: Megan McDonell
Editor: Craig Anderson
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco


A breif interlude in which Crippler beats the crap of some poor sack. Apparently, Crippler does a little bounty hunting on the side while working with Silver. This short was pretty much filler. Comic Book Library