Silver Sable #25

Issue #25, June 1994


Writer: Gregory Wright
Penciler: Steven Butler
Inker: Pam Eklund
Letterer: Steve Dutro
Colorists: Rosas & Lazellari
Editor: Craig Anderson
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco


Continued from Issue #24. The issue starts off right where the last one ended. With Silver coming face to face to with her father.... but right then, we shift to Bosnia. During the Bosnian conflict, it appears as if HYDRA is attacking U.S. troops in the area as HYDRA claims the area for themselves. It turns out not be HYDRA but the Genesis Coalition. Baron von Strucker concocts a plan to intervene and assist the U.S., in an effort to eliminate the Coalition. Back to Silver... the man in the battle armor is.... Silver's Uncle Fritz, her father's twin brother. Apparently, Fritz and Ernst shared command of the Wild Pack, and since they were twins, it allowed one man to appear at two places. After the death of Ernst, no body was ever found, so Fritz went searching for him. Fritz allowed himself to be capture in an attempt to find Ernst, but to avail. Fritz is the one who came up with the idea to form the Genesis Coalition, to overthrow HYDRA. Just then, Coalition troops enter into the room and free Dmitri. A fight breaks out, but ends quickly as the Coalition goons are no match for the BattleStar and Fritz in his battle armor. Just as Dmitri was about the flee, Fritz fries him. Fritz suggests that he take Silver and the Pack prisoner, it the only way they can survive. Silver reluctantly agrees. The Wild Pack meet up with Silver to give up, but the Intruders have been instructed to fly to Bosnia. In Bosnia, Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D has arrived on the scene to assist the U.S. troops. But at the same time, Baron von Strucker arrives with his strike team, called System Crash, and begins fighting the HYDRA imposters. The fighting between HYDRA and the Coalition picks up. Meanwhile, back on the sub where Silver and the Pack are being held, the Foreigner, disguised as a guard, guns down the other guards and frees Silver. Apparently, Silver knew that he would be there, and used that to her advantage. After more guards arrive, they are quickly dispatched. Just then, the Foreigner takes Silver and the Pack to a chamber deep in the sub to find........

SILVER'S FATHER. There was Ernst connected into computer as the Genesis Coalition was trying to drain his knowledge out of him. Silver's father tells her to stop Fritz, for he has lost his mind. They all flee the sub as Silver set charges to detonate. Back in Bosnia, the Intruders were fighting along side HYDRA against the Genesis Coalition. They had things pretty much in hand, and HYDRA bailed. von Strucker wanted to leave before Fury could arrive. The Pack land on the Coalition battle cruiser that they stole from HYDRA and start kicking some Coalition tail. Silver goes looking for Trefkov. She finds him and beats him down relentlessly. He is no match for her. As he tries to stab her, she turns the knife around and slams it into him. Trefkov is dead, but Silver doesn't feel better. She was waiting all her life for this, and now that he is dead, nothing has changed. Fritz, realizing the bombardment from the battle cruiser has stopped, teleports up to the control and sees Silver, and then starts attacking her. Silver pleads with him to get help, but before his can fire another shot, he himself is shot in the back by the Foreigner. Silver loses it, and beats the daylights out of the Foreigner for killing her uncle. And just when she has a gun to his face, and says that she has already killed today once in cold blood, and that she can do it again, she tosses the gun away. She lets him walk for service on her behalf but warns that if he ever breathes in her direction, he's dead. Days later in Symkaria, Ernst tells Silver that Fritz was a vital part of the Wild Pack but he was a jealous man because he wasn't up to leading. Then he confesses that he knew Silver would come for him, for despite his teachings, Silver's emotions always did shine though, and that he was in fact, very proud of his daughter.

* * * * *

Li'l Silvie
A spoofing mini-tale

Writer/Colorist: Gregory Wright
Penciler: Steven Butler
Inker: Pam Eklund
Letterer: Steve Dutro
Made us do it: Craig Anderson
Won't like it one bit: Tom DeFalco


A cartoonishly drawn random story of Li'l Silvie searching for lost treasure and fending off the dog-headed villian, Golden Retriever. Comic Book Library